Hey everyone. It's time for challenge 4. The challenge was to develop a COMING SOON landing page with an option of email subscription. The app is both mobile and desktop responsive.
Challenge link: frontendmentor.io/challenges/base-apparel-c..
Technology used: HTML, CSS, SASS, Vercel (for deployment)
Major learning / improvements from the challenge were:
- Learned the difference between desktop-first and mobile-first design
- Getting used to gradients
This is the first app that I have developed using the mobile-first design approach. I was not confident at first, rather I was being lazy to challenge myself for the mobile-first approach ๐ . But it felt really awesome at the end.
Live demo: https://frontend-mentor-challenges-wine.vercel.app/challenges/challenge4/
GitHub: https://github.com/namangupta1399/frontend-mentor-challenges
Frontend Mentor: https://www.frontendmentor.io/solutions/coming-soon-page-using-htmlcss-jwiS9FXdO
Have a good day ๐